Monday, July 19, 2010

35mm slide scanner

35mm slide scanner I
have read a lot of bad reviews of this product that seem to be the fault of the
owner's PC rather than the product. I am using this product to scan about 700
slides by Xmas for my family and create a book from the scans. I started on Dec
4th and see no problem having the entire project done by the 25th. The quality,
of course, depends on how much hard drive space you can commit to the project
(full res scans are VERY impressive). I find scanning to a 12MB TIF file on the
minumum setting (color depth 24, whatever that means, and 1800 DPI) yields
perfectly acceptable results for my amateur needs. I have used the product 3
times so far. First and most recent time at my work computer (a decent, newish
Dell), and once on my home PC (Dell, about 4-5 years old). At work, file
transfer was fast, about 20-25 secs for 12 slides. Working at home was a little
painful, as the file transfer took about 1 to 2 minutes per scan. As i said,
it's a relatively ancient computer. Anyone who expects to get rapid results with
this product on an old PC is a fool, and i think these fools have unfairly
devalued the product's user ratings. Maybe this will help. PLEASE DO NOT USE
THIS PRODUCT IF YOU ARE USING A COMMODORE 64! There, that should clear things

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